From The Great Game of Business
Friday, September 6
Now that The Game has transformed your organization and everyone is working toward common goals, how do you as the owner or management team ensure a successful ownership transition without disrupting your success?
We will discuss the pros and cons of the ownership transition options available to a business owner/management team and how they align with your key principles within the Great Game. The attendee of this session will also understand the characteristics of the businesses and objectives of the business owner/management team that typically select the different types of ownership transition options.
Business owners and management teams will have an opportunity to discuss the options they’re considering and receive feedback on how to navigate the ownership transition process from the speaker and the audience.
Learning Objectives: How an ESOP complements open-book management as they share a mutual desire to enhance the Company’s profitability and sustainability, and how an ESOP offers an attractive exit strategy for business owners
Takeaways: A handout detailing the 10 steps to a successful ESOP, A list of free, online resources to gather more information on ESOPs
Target Audiences: small and medium sized companies, beginner experience level, all industries
This session is sponsored by Menke & Associates, and is free to attend.
The speaker will be Managing Director of Menke & Associates, Matthew Nels.
For more information, visit the following link: