Howard's Appliance Celebrates Being 100% Employee Owned

The Los Angeles Times featured an article about Howard’s Appliance & Flat Screen Superstores, which has been 100% employee-owned since 2000. The company, which started as a radio repair shop in San Gabriel, sold nearly half of the company over to the employees when the government approved employee stock ownership plans in 1976. Employees acquired 100%…

Mills James Produces Animated Film About ESOPs

Mills James, a comprehensive creative media production company based out of Columbus, Ohio has made an animated film explaining how their Employee Stock Ownership Plan (and how ESOPs in general) work. Mills James employs about 150 employees and specializes in the following areas: Teleproduction, Broadcast Production, Business Video, Meetings & Events, Web Interactive and Original…

ESOP Technical Issues Web Seminar – October, 2011

Below you will find the links to watch each of the Technical Issues Webinar Sessions On-Demand: Session 1: Introduction What is an ESOP? History of ESOPs CLICK HERE TO WATCH SESSION 1 Session 2: Retirement Plan Basics Qualified vs. Nonqualified plans Types of Plans CLICK HERE TO WATCH SESSION 2 Session 3: Basic ESOP Transactions…

Great Falls Business Owners Explain "ESOPs"

Local business owners say they’re spreading the wealth in Great Falls by offering long term employees stock ownership plans or ESOP’s. It’s a structure that is set up and its federally recognized, so the employees are then part of a trust that then owns either a 100% of the company or some portion of the…

Options and Alternatives for Structuring ESOP Transactions Webinar

Program Agenda Valuation Considerations Sell Now Or Sell Later? Tax Considerations Pay Uncle Sam Now Or Pay Uncle Sam Later? To Participate In Esop Or Not To Participate? Financing Considerations To Borrow Or Not To Borrow? To Lend Or Not To Lend? Fiduciary Considerations To Serve As An Internal Fiduciary? Appointing An Independent Fiduciary Control…

Read about the Cal-Tex Protective Coatings ESOP

Read the original posting at the Cal-Tex Website Cal-Tex is 97% employee-owned through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).As the 2011 Grand Prize Winner of theNational Center for Employee Ownership’s Innovations in Ownership Award and the 2011 ESOP Association’s Best Communications Award (Small Company), Cal-Tex is committed to providing a company structure that will benefit the employee and…

ACG Kentucky panel talks about benefits of ESOPs

Click here to read the original article at For business owners who want to cash out but still oversee the direction of the company and take care of their workers, an employee stock ownership plan might be the best bet. That was the message from panelists Tuesday morning at the monthly meeting of ACG…

National Van Lines Becomes ESOP-Owned

National Van Lines Inc. said it has changed the company’s structure, selling itself to an employee stock ownership plan entity. The third-generation, family-run business said it has been working on transitioning to an ESOP-owned S Corp. structure since July 2010 effort to “find an ownership and liquidity succession plan that did not disrupt the culture…

Building a Successful ESOP in 10 Steps
Ten Steps to a Successful ESOP

Employee Stock Ownership Plans (“ESOPs”) are federally qualified employee benefit programs governed by U.S. law. Since our president and founder, John Menke, wrote some of the original ESOP legislation in 1974, more than 25 additional laws have been passed to promote and broaden the benefits of ESOPs. In general, ESOPs offer owners of companies tax…

ESOP Companies Report Positive 2010 Even Amid Slow Economic Recovery

WASHINGTON, Sept. 14, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Results from the Employee Ownership Foundation’s 20th Annual Economic Performance Survey of ESOP (employee stock ownership plan) companies that are members of The ESOP Association show that ESOPs, while not immune to economic developments beyond their control, have seen an upturn over the past year. The survey shows ESOP…

The Joys Of An ESOP

NOVEMBER 1, 2004 The following article was originally published in Bloomberg Businessweek and written by Amey Stone Employee ownership can be a powerful tool Last November the 100 employees of Superior Plumbing & Heating, a mechanical contractor in Anchorage, Alaska, gathered on the snow-covered ground to celebrate their new status as full owners of the…

The Will-Burt Company Celebrates its 25th Anniversary as an Employee Owned Company

For additional information, contact: Angie Lamielle, Senior Marketing Associate 330-684-4002 For Immediate Release: Monday, June 06, 2011 The Will-Burt Company is celebrating its 25th year as an Employee Owned Company. Will-Burt employees have been participating in the Employee Stock Ownership Program (ESOP) since its inception on December 31, 1985. Will-Burt will be holding a…

The Perfect Solution to the Perfect Storm: How an SR ESOP Can Be Used to Save Your Business from Bankruptcy

A “perfect storm” has hit the U.S. economy and its privately-held businesses. Consumer purchasing power has dried up, resulting in reduced revenues for almost all privately-held businesses. At the same time most banks have stopped or curtailed lending, and bank credit is no longer available to many businesses. During the past two quarters many businesses…

Four Ways That a Cash Flow ESOP Can Be Used To Help Your Company Survive the Credit Crunch

A “perfect storm” has hit the U. S. economy and its privately-held businesses. Consumer purchasing power has dried up, resulting in reduced revenues for almost all privately-held businesses. At the same time most banks have stopped or curtailed lending, and bank credit is no longer available to many businesses.

Why Selling to an ESOP May Be Better Than an Internal Ownership Transition or Sale to a Third Party

By: John D. Menke There are good reasons to consider selling your firm to your own employees through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP).  No other alternative combines maximum financial advantage with the flexibility that enables you to customize the sale to fit your own particular circumstances.  An ESOP enables you to sell your business…

WinSystems, an Employee-Owned Corporation on Youtube

Here is a video posted by one of The Menke Group’s Clients: WinSystems, an embedded PC designer and manufacturer, provides a high level of quality and customer service through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). This leads to employees holding a direct stake in maintaining a high level of customer service. Here is the full…

ESOP plans let founders cash out and employees cash in

By Nancy Mann Jackson, contributing writer June 17, 2010: 4:45 AM ET ( — On his 81st birthday, entrepreneur Bob Moore signed the papers to hand nearly a third of his company over to his 200 employees. But it’s a gift Moore and his three partners hope will pay off for them as well: By…